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Monday 29 November 2010

House of Night

Okay so as you may know if you have read previous posts I have become slightly obsessed with the new book series House of Night by PC and Kirsten Cast, and well this is just another post to tell you how awesome they are. 

Okay so the format of the series is there is a young girl by the name of Zoey, who is totally normal and then she gets marked (name of the first book). Marked mean she will become a vampire, and she must attend the nearest house fo night. She comes into some problems getting there (namely her not so nice family and her possessive boyfriend) but when she does get there she makes some great new friends. Early on in her time at the school she finds out she is a special fledgling, different from the others around her, she can control the elements; Earth, Wind, Water, Fire and Spirit. This is something no other vampire has been able to do before. She then of course runs into some problems; namely jealous guys, evil I am going to kill you teachers and bloodlust.
So there is a lot going on in these books, and this is why I love them, they are nothing like the vampire books I have read before they seem totally different, maybe because these were written by a mother and daughter duo or because they were just trying to go for more of a light hearted stab at this genre, I don’t know but it really works, if you like a bit of trashy teenage fiction, and are not going to take this too seriously but still want something to get your teeth into this is the series for you. 

Here are some useful links if you are interested:

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