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Friday 22 April 2011

TVD and GG catch up

Vampire Diaries 

Crying Wolf 
Okay so in this episode Stefan and Elena decide to get away from the drama for a while and luckily she has her parents old holiday home out in a little woods. Of course the trouble just folows them their in the form of more werewolves- yes those guys are back.

Jenna finally starts to think that maybe something is up with Alaric and i have to say i think that it took her long enough but don't worry after a little chat over the phone of him with some lame excuse she was happy.

Damon is doing something sneaky which includes him going to a tea party with the people in town and of course the scary weird vampire guy who turns up again.

Bonnie in her witch way tries to get some information out of Luka although they were only half way successful.

The dinner party 
Okay so the diaries are back although they are better this time because well, they are not Elena's. Sorry Elena but you are kind of boring. Oh yes more flashbacks that is what we need! Uh Oh Stefan Elena knows that you killed that guy! oops should have checked the diary before she read it. Of course Damon has another girl, or is she the same as last time? I'm confused. Oh Damon you do make me laugh with your wit.
Okay so Jenna is on talking terms with the dodgy vampire, did i miss something? And now of course Alaric gets jealous.
Hmm Bonnie is back to her witch ways although other witchy boy is having a problem. So of course Jeremy jumps in bless his little cotton socks, getting in between two witches. Smart.

Yes Stefan she found out about your secret, good little reader isn't she? Yay more story telling, although these at least have the hottness of Stefan and Damon in their best clothing for well hundreds of years ago. Okay so basically Stefan was on a killing rampage and Damon was the good guy and tried to stop him by threatening to leave apparently, Damon is so not the good guy.
Oh lets have a little gathering, no dinner party? because we can't go a whole episode without a party of some kind. I have to live in this town and go to party after party after party. So Katherine is still in the tomb but Damon is feeding her- why? Oh to get information, that makes sense.
Stefan is back to story telling:  its war time so he had plenty to feed off, good for him. why do i have to see the gore? Oh yeah Lexi is back! Of course she changed him for the better, she was awesome.
Yes damon the dinner party is a bad idea listen to him! Yay John that is going to be fun.

Jeremy thinks that Bonnie and him are dating and arranges a romantic night in misreading the situation as she really wants to talk to Elena first like any good friend would do.

Elijah is pulling the strings again. And of course Jenna is sat in the middle of all of this totally oblivious. Oh yes more awkward conversation between the dinner party. Stefan is back to telling more stories of course but its Elena finding out all the secrets from more diaries. Stefan tries to warn Damon about his impending death but can't get through to him but Alaric gets the message and interrupts after dinner drinks. Alaric stabs Ellijah with the dagger because he will not be killed. Stefan and Elena are back to fighting again of course. Lexi tries to help Stefan out again in a flashback. Lexi explains to Stefan how to live like a normal human.
 Damon and Alaric put Ellijah in the basement to keep an eye on him. he dies of course but when they pull the dagger out he escapes and tells the witchy man to find Elena.
Bonnie is back to doing more spells with Jeremy and she decides to experiment on him but witchy man bursts in on them. He then does some spell or other on her to... i don't know do something. Oh take her powers of course. Ellijah goes to the cabin to take Elena. Elena tries to renegotiate but he calls her bluff but she is stronger and stabs herself, she then in turn stabs him.
Jenna decides that she does not trust Alaric and confronts him but does not get the answer she hoped for. Oh and of course John is there to twist the knife in Alarics gut. Alaric takes off the ring and gives it to John.
this time it seems Damon has learnt to keep the dagger in this time. Elena aks Damon and Stefan to do it her way from now on and they agree.

More flashbacks, Damon and Lexi this time when she predicts his future with scary accuracy. Oh yay Katherine is out, that will make things interesting.

Gossip Girl
Panic Roomate 

So Chuck is still having an affair with the daughter and Blair is not the top dog in her new job and Serena is upset. Oh and Dan has got a roomate. Ha ha Chuck just got blew off bet that has never happened before. Oh god okay so he may not have been Serena's stalker but he still creeps me out. Oh look and Eric is still friends with the other dodgy guy, come on Eric make some better decisions. Damon is A BAD GUY! how many times do i have to say this?!?

Ha ha Chuck, still kniving. And so is Blair, yay this is when they are at their best and the show is amazing. And of course Serena is falling for the wrong guy again. Okay Eric and Dan banding together that may be a fun twist. Oh god that is not the plan I thought that they would come up with, okay I'm joking of course they thought of this plan. Okay so Raina and her dad are freakishly close. No No No Serena that is a bad idea, you need to leave him out of your life. Aww bonding with Bass. Oh no Juliet cannot make another appearance.
Wow more and more scheming by Blair and Chuck.  Ooo cold shoulder by Dan. Omg Blair and her boss should totally be getting along they are scarily alike in the sense of being a control freak. Yes Serena you should take the ex con to a really posh party, where do you think he got the jacket? hmm is Serena keeping him? Oh god the two liar freaks getting close and personal. I think they should both get the boot although they do make life interesting. No No Serena listen to Dan for once.

Oh yay its Florence and The Machine i love her!
Oh poor Eric but you must have known that Damon is the type of person to do that. Come on Rufus Dan is your son, you totally should have listened to him, or at least asked him. Why is it that Chuck always makes an ass of himself and does stupid things but still gets the girl. (because he's hot of course). Blair got the job! oops. No No No Serena that is a bad idea, and you know it. 

It-Girl happened one night 
Blair is throwing herself into her new life and Serena asks her about what is going on. Oh its Valentines day that will make things interesting. Oh brunch, not just a business meeting. Dan sets up a job for his new flat mate. Blair is pulling more strings of course getting Raina for a new feature in the magazine. Chuck is showing his business plans to Russel. Chuck has apparently made huge plans for the holiday, Blair is going to be so pleased. Ben lies about what he is now doing to make a living. Nate tries to help out Chuck. Serena is helping out Raina finding a dress for the party. Dan goes into work to find out that Blair is now kind of his boss.

Lily and Russel used to be lovers!!!!! Eric- volunteer drug testing lol. Aww brotherly bonding, I love these two together. Oh Blair cummon try and be a little bit more mature. Chuck tries to get Russel on side. Blair finds out about what Serena did and Serena organises a night in. Blair is being sneaky again getting Serena to go to the party. Oh no don't do that to Ben and Serena. Chuck is having a successful evening it seems.

Oh Lily you have lost this time. Chuck is amazing at wooing a woman, it does help that he is so hot though of course. Oh yay Ben and Serena in front of Blair's horrible camera that is great.  Lily and Chuck fighting again, oh how original. Oh Chuck you have lost it all completely. Oh everyone is out on the prowl again. Chuck and Raina fighting it out you go Raina, show some balls. Aww Dan and Blair comforting each other that is a little weird.

Blair tries to make it better with Serena and they both find they are both hurting. It turns out that they are both okay with each other which is good because it is so much better when those two get along.   Dan finds out that Blair had already put his article through which surprises him. And of course they will both have the same movie and need to watch it together over the phone. Nate's dad is still knocking around and of course doing something wrong but for Chuck for the right reasons, wow maybe it is a good idea to have A CON FOR A DAD. Ben takes Serena to a bar and with his nights earnings manages two beers. Eric is helping the homeless still but a guy turns up for him just not the guy he was hoping. Of course with Damon comes threats.

While you weren't sleeping 

I love the skyline shots in this show, they are so pretty. Things are getting awkward again when Dan wakes up to Serena and Ben. Oh its Eric's eighteenth, fun. But Eric is not feeling well. Or at least pretending to not feel well. Wow Lily he got you.
Blair is managing to only sleep for three hours and is still throwing herself into work. Raina has more than Blair and Blair is jealous. Blair is taking over everything. Blair has lost all her interns apart from Dan and her work load is huge now that he is her only staff. Chuck is being sneaky again this time with Lily and i think it is going to go much better this time, i have a feeling. Ben and Serena have a free day now that Eric is not having a party but they bump into him whilst he is on the way out. He explains to them that Damon is making him be a drug mule. Serena offers to do that for him and Ben tries to persuade her not to. Blair is still not coping and Dan is just laughing at her. 
Nate is distracting Raina so Chuck his pulling more strings. Blair is still not doing so well and now Serena and Eric are asking for more help. Nate is still distracting Raina and Lily, Russel. And Chuck is snooping again. Ah Vanessa is back. Aww Dan you are always in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong tulips!
What is it they do best on upper east side- Party. so between them all they now owe a huge amount of money because Blair was too tired. Okay so Nate what is the point of having a phone if you don't answer it.So Eric is opening his presents already. Ben turns up at the party. 
Then of course Russel is played by Lily and Dan's dad. Lily finds out about the money that Eric is trying to give Damon. The new business guy chooses to hear out Chuck. Lily talks bout her mistake in forging Serenas signiture. So Vanessa has something to do with the drugs? Ben is back to threatening. 
Ben then makes a U turn and comes up to the loft for the first time whilst all the family is there. 
Blair makes a U turn and goes to explain everything to Dan. Damien is still stirring things up. 

Empire of the Son 

Okay so what is Lily up to now? Aw no not more Vanessa- she's going to be trouble. No Serena he just got what he wanted now he has no need for you! Lol Dorota i think you are right and yes because now she is sneaking around with Dan.
Oh of course Chuck whenever you gloat something goes wrong. Oh it's your best friend sleeping with your EX of course. Yes Dorota you have found the clue, Dan and Blair are sneaking around together. Oh no the mother is in town, poor Serena. Oh more blackmailing that's what has got Lily all in a tiz. Oh Ben you should not be out in the hall with Serena your mum is going to know exactly what is going on unless she is completely stupid. Wow Dan you should definitely bow down to Rufus he is all knowing! Okay so Darota is smart, no she is just sneaking. Oh cummon Blair and Dan you so need to get it together. Awkward Serena, you should not have forced the lunch. Lol pizza for the lactose intolerant. Aww that's why Vanessa has come home, she has dish. Yes Ben you can only lose, its Serena after all. Oh Blair you love him you know you do!
Oh come on guys do not fall out over a girl! Oh poor Dan you have to make sure she stops scheming.
Oh pleading with Raina will definitely help your cause Chuck. Why did Lily believe Vanessa? Although Serena never believes everyone so Lily needs to do more believing to support the both of them.

More parties Chuck? Can he not do business without a party. And of course with a party comes more secrets and plotting.
Poor Serena but you and your mum and your boyfriend have serious issues. Although I have a feeling that Ben's mum is the one plotting. Yep because Ben is just too upset.
Oh Rufus you just put your foot in it didn't you?
Oh Raina that was amazing timing. Oh god Lily thank god? You couldn't have done that what 5 episodes ago? Wow more drama, who is her mother? Listen to Nate, Raina he is making a lot of sense and well he knows what he is talking about. Yay Raina and Nate are actually kind of perfect for each other.
Aww Serena just let him go, please he is starting to creep me out. Uh Oh Chuck, more shit stirring coming. Oh Blair you do love Dan don't you? i can tell.
OMG i love this song:
Yay Lily well done you, finally. Oh god no don't bring him back, he was so damn annoying last time he was around. Oh God Chuck don't be stupid please don't be stupid. YAY!

The Kids Stay in the picture 

They're back. Oh yay the press is circling although of course gossip girl was there first. Awkward moment Chuck, yes she chose Nate over you. Oh Chuck go to lunch and realise you are not the only man in Blair's life anymore. Oh god you two you are like children, go away absentee father. Haha Eric you have learnt well, when troubles a brewing run to Brooklyn and Dan. Haha gotta love Eric and his straight talking. Oh yay whack job Blair bosh is back and under Chucks thumb.
Ooo yeah family bonding! weird sister arrives in town and of course a family photo shoot is on the cards. oops no, too much drama. And then more weird family is knocking around, cousinly bonding, Serena. ooo shopping, that is what we need. Sisterly bonding over unitards.
Yay Vanessa is back!
Caught red handed girls!
Oh god Dan don't get in the way of Chuck/Blair.
ooo sister is taking the money from the world she hates. ooo Eric/Dan scheming this is fun although i get the feeling that someone is pulling some strings. oh and Lily's mum is pulling even more strings. Oh poor Raina. Poor Dan! Oh Blair at least try and be nice to one of them.
Oh okay so this family is completely insane. (they also look insane also, insanely good). Oh poor Blair you know Chuck has grown up, or at least his portfolio has. Where's Vanessa got to, she should be meddling in something by now. Ahhh there she is. Yay girl night, that is what you girls need, oh poor mChuck although he did bring it on himself sort of. aww i think i'm going to like this cousin she is actually knid of nearer to earth than the rest of the family.

Uh Oh Vanessa is trying to put her two cents in again, wow she is so annoying.
Uh oh i feel another Serena entering the market and the penthouse with even more issues than the old model.
Oh Nate don't encourage that she's dead. Haha Dan has to throw his two cents in. wow Chuck looks miserable in all his photos and i actually really like the Lily ones. OMG is that Blairs prince???? for the beginning of the series this just got interesting.

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