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Monday 16 May 2011

The Vampire Diaries and Gossip Girl double bill

The Vampire Diaries
The Last Day

Oh look Damon and of course more plotting and on Damons part drinking. Okay so dead mum Tyler, come home! that will be fun. Yay we have Alaric back oh and Tyler apparently. Oh come on Matt, don't side with the mother. Awkward moment Alaric and Jenna. Yay i love Damon, you know you do to Elena. Okay so force feeding her your blood Damon will not make her like you. Okay so of course Stefan is the one who ends up staked.
Okay so more arguing between the vamps and the wolves. Yay more drama with that wierd guy. Okay i am only going to say this once but Klaus is hot hot hot. Damon goes to Katherine for help, but learns instead more about the ritual. Oh i could have told you the tomb Damon come on. Woah Matt is good at playing the hero. Yep just transfer the wolf from one dungeon to the next. LoL i think Damon is getting funnier now that he is not the only freek in town. Okay so i then got a bit distracted but Damon is basically dead.

The Sun Also Rises
So they manage to escape Tyler but Damon still has a bite. Katherine tries to get Damon to listen to her but he is stubborn. Jenna and Elena are ready for the ritual.  Jenna finds out that she is a vampire. Oh look new witchy woman. Jenna makes a weird vampire. Jeremy is reading, because that is the key guys. Damon and Stefan seem to be getting along again. Klaus is ready and Caroline with Matt is running from the werewolf and he comes clean about the vervain. The ritual goes ahead. Jeremy is still reading with Bonnie, Alaric turns up.
Jenna and Elena have a bit of a heart to heart. Stefan seems to have a plan. John helps out much to Damon's disappointment. Klaus's witch is casting some kind of spell. Stefan arrives looking all mighty and strong in front of the stars but I'm guessing that he won't be against Klaus. Stefan wants to die with Elena of course. Bonnie casts a spell on John. Alaric gets screwed by Bonnie along with Jeremy. Klaus stabs Stefan but keeps him alive, for other plans. So Jenna is dead and gone. Klaus bites Elena infront of Stefan and there is nothing he can do about it. Damon and his crew dive in to save the day. Elena somehow manages to survive but John keels over in a hilarious way. Caroline and Tyler have a bit of a heart to heart. Elena is trying to cope with everything and Jeremy does not seem to be doing too well either. Elena gets a letter from John. They bury the dead, actually made me cry! Damon and Stefan  try to come up with more ideas to get rid of the bad guys and Damon shows him the bite.

Here is Price Petersons hilarious recap:;title;0

Gossip Girl
The princesses and the frog

Poor Chuck! Lol Blair is so caught up in everything so she does not realise that Serena is up to something. Oh come on Dan move on from Serena alikes. Charlie is getting way too close. Poor Blair, of course mother would not be happy. Lol Serena that was a good one. I am really starting to love Eric. OMG that dress is amazing. Things are going wrong between Nate and Chuck.

Things seem to be going well for Blair until Chuck turns up. No No No Chuck! Poor Chuck yet again. Haha Chuck, that woman is not going to like you. Poor Blair, she fell for the mumma's boy.Are you really consoling her Serena, that's a bit low, oops no, why are these two always fighting. Yep Nate told her, that is too annoying, could you be more goody goody Nate, although I probably wouldn't have been able to not tell her. No Dan, do not encourage her, although i really want to see Vanessa slapped so maybe it is a good idea to send a girl rather than you.
Louis comes back for Blair, yay! OMG that is a big rock! SAY YES!!!!!! Ooo who knew she was such a bitch?!? Guess Serena's influence has got through to her. Chuck, stop begging, it won't work, specially when you get violent. thats a bit low Raina, the uncle is total maniac.

Shattered Bass
Chuck seems to be coping well, this episode, although Blair's dream was more realistic. Nate moves out of Chucks, yep he is definitely going over the edge. Get lost Vanessa! You are too annoying, just go away. Dan and Charlie, that is going to go wrong, yep, mainly them being sick before noon. Blair's mum is back in town, just to make life interested.  See Raina, he is a perv, do not trust Jack. that would explain a lot, she is on drugs. Blair, you should definitely run from Jack. Charlie seems to be getting her way a lot now.
Blair goes to warn Chuck but gets a frosty welcome. yes be careful Chuck, you might blind yourself with that diamond. Poor Louis you really shouldn't follow Blair about, you might find out things you do not want to know about. Jack of course finds the right person to talk to, Raina's dad. Charlie really should be taking those, I'm betting and what's the betting that the dress is like Serena's blue one from the picture.

Of course Louis goes to fight it out with Chuck. Chuck says all the right things of course. I do love Rufus I think that he is like the best father figure. Of course Serena should go and cause a huge scene at the party.
Wow I think that the queen is finally coming round to them. Okay so of course that Jack should go and goad Chuck, and arrest him? Serena and Blair make up again, like we always knew they would. No Serena don't make Dan upset, you do not deserve him.

Louis confronts Blair about Chuck but they seem to be able to get past it. Serena finally realises there is something going on with Charlie. Turns out that Chuck, Nate and Jack were working together. To find out that actually Rainna's father did the killing. Charlie is really annoying! Poor Serena. Jack is hilarious here. Blair gets some really good advice from Cyrus. Raina and Nate fall out over everything of course and she gets to know everything, ever think it might be better to keep your mouth shut Nate? Raina tells her father that she knows. Vanessa and Serena bond over betrayal. with some help from Rufus. Oh Come on Dan, don't be tacky. No Blair don't go to him! you belong with the prince!!! Oooops Blair that was not a good idea.

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