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Sunday 19 September 2010

One Tree Hill catch up

Okay, so now I am fully caught up on all things One Tree Hill. I have just finished watching the episode where the other sister, Taylor, turns up with sister Quinn’s ex husband in tow. Three times the drama.
Anyway I just love these three together, Haley, Quinn and Taylor, they all seem to have that rock star quality to them and are totally believable as sisters. I think that if One Tree Hill ever decided to end (season 8 has just started in America) they could create a programme about these three growing up together I think it could be hilarious. We may even get to see a bit of Lucas back in the picture. Yum!
That’s the other thing I have noticed, having not really seen any of this series and just catching up now, I think I am beginning to Miss Hilary and Chad less and less. Yes I would like to see their baby (got to be cute going by the parents) and yes I do feel a twinge every time I hear Brooke talk about Peyton (best friends like that should stay together), but I don’t miss them in the way I thought I would. I mean take Peyton for example we seem to have replaced her pretty well with Quinn, one brooding, I have problems artist for another. Also Lucas why do we need another “in the sports business” guy when we have Clay, who apparently has been around for a while but we never met him in the last series? Yes I do see the irony, they have tried to replace them with cheaper goods and going from past flops in this area (The OC, Marissa for Taylor) I think they have done a remarkably good job.
Another thing I would say is that they really need to get off Brooke's back at the minute, bless her, everything is going wrong for her and Julian, hasn’t she had enough guy problems? And then add that to the whole “I desperately want children but can’t “saga and I’m starting to think they only expression Sophia can do is “sad Pout” which is so not fair on such a great actress. Then there’s the weirdness with her mother, I kind of liked her as an evil bitch but now she has decided to go all soft, it’s a nice change but I’m thinking she is up to something and hopefully we will see the devil with rise again.
I also want to know what the hell is up with Millie, Why would she do all the shit she is doing at the minute, she seemed like the only down the earth character on this show and I loved her for it. But now she’s a recovering drug addict? What the hell? And yet even though she is the one acting like a complete idiot, Mouth is the one I really want to slap. How could he have left her like that if he really loved her? He has managed to slightly redeem himself in this week’s episode though coming back to help rescue her but I’m still not sure he won’t just run off again.
After that amazingly long rant , I just want to say that I do love this show as much as I love to rant about it and so long as Jamie (Jackson Brundage). here is a link to the offical E4 One Tree Hill homepage: One Tree Hill on E4

These were all edited and created by me, please give credit if you are using them, all photos are owned by The CW.

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