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Tuesday 12 July 2011

One Tree Hill 11/07

The Space Inbetween 

Yay Haley, I'm glad you and your sister are doing better. LOL Nathan good one! Okay so what are you on about Victoria? Wow thats great, so you can get her in and out of trouble. Poor Clay, I really hope they do not kill him off this quickly. That's a wierd way to make a friedn Clay, are you an almost dead insane person now?

Yay more Aunt Brooke and Julian to the rescue, more quality Jamie and Juilian time again. LOL guys, really? Come on Mouth get over her already. Hence the title! I get it now One Tree Hill, thank you for clearing that up for me. Eww NO NO NO that is an awful version One Tree Hill, please don't scare me with that thing again, you need better covers please. LOL still obsessing Jamie, find a new question please, not that ones not hilarious though. Now the awkward conversation? Surely you're supposed to do that before the sex and i thought you were both supposed to be smart. 
Poor Nathan how do you make that choice? Theres probably a reason they do not want you to move Quinn, come on what if it makes you worse as well? Don't question it Clay. Okay that is a little drastic don't you think Victoria. Ahh thank god we avoided that then Nathan, good. Oh no i didn't mean it don't let him die. God why did we have to bring up transplants again, didn't we fail at that last time (Dan heart- Dog). I really hope you didn't just steal his car there Nathan. Dealing with another death, thats what you need in OTH.
Haha prison and Victoria is so not going to work well. Yay a good word in for safe driving without a phone, OTH, a proper message for your viewers. Okay i'm confused which ones dying?!? Okay so can i just say that i have to say that they have to show Victoria in a jump suit. OMG he woke up without the kidney after all? Nope the other dead guy gave it to him, well isn't that just an advert for organ donors? BTW i already am one before you get all harsh

Okay so that was it for this week, but i will be back next week, do not fear.

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